Texans Cheerleader Tryouts are coming up April 14! If you're not already registered or training get a jump start on both with these quick tips. You can train daily until tryouts by participating in dance classes or simply enrolling in anything that keeps you active and constantly moving. The tryouts consist of a ton of dancing so keep in shape with daily workouts. We've got about two and a half weeks to go so get on it!
A good at home workout is Cardio Barre. Cardio Barre is available on DVD and is a wonderful class that combines barre work and light weights that gives a wonderful leg workout!
If you are pinching pennies, no problem! Houston's got the best recreational parks. Do lunges up and down a hill after a run at one of our local parks or participate in one of Discovery Greens Healthy Living classes. Downtown's Discovery Green host daily workout activities that are FREE!
Bum-ba Toning Mondays @6:30 PM
Pi-Yo Tuesdays @6:30 PM
Zumba Wednesdays @6:30 PM
Slow Flow Yoga Saturdays @9:30 AM
Discovery Hoop Class Sundays @10:30 AM
Ananda Yoga *New Class* Sundays @NOON
If feeling adventurous to tone those arms there is a 'Kayak on Kinder Lake' Saturdays and Sundays, March 10-June 30. $5 a person and the Kayak accommodates two people. Visit Discovery Green @ discoverygreen.com.
Coach Alto's Tryout Tips
Coach Alto gives quick tips in a quick three minute video.
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